Lots of ways to make money online, lots of ideas on how to make money. When are you going to take action on these ideas and put them into reality? Well you need to start soon and right away, start signing up for blogspot and create your own blog and start to write about your favorite events and stuff online.
What you need to do to generate revenue?
- Well you need to write original, 100+ word articles on your blog daily.
Don't Ever : Copy and paste peoples words and writing as well as content, just make your own stuff up and write creative articles that people may find interesting. Write original and don't even think of coyping your work or others.
What product/ or thing will pay me from my online work?
Well you need to choose what you are writing about !
If you are writing about an event or something you do and you can find a product that people sell that is relevant toward it you can google affiliate programs with your niche word in the search. Something will pop up and than you sign up for it and at the content in your article or sidebar.
This can be a PPC program or a referal program.
Now if you are writing something where it has no product to sell then you need to find a PPC program and you will get paid on the amount of impressions and clicks you get from your marketing talent that brings in unqiue visitors.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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About Me

- Monti
- Building successful ventures using automation and my mind I create assets that always generate revenue to invest in the world of information and technology together.
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