Friday, July 4, 2008

Week 1 - Day 5. Gotta Make That Money

Hello Everyone And Happy 4TH of July

Well it was a decent day for me nothing like yesterday. I don't feel like putting up screenshots today since it is the 4th of July and I have a lot of things to do and places to go people to party with and see. My marketing technique of different products works better then Pay per click programs right now. When I had google adsense I was making a few dollars a day but with adbrite I'm only making a nickle a day from it.

Here's the statistics -

Adbrite - 543 page views - Zero Clicks - 6 Cents made

Google Analytics - 122 UV's -
Linkworth - $25.00

I will be using other affiliate programs that converts well because adbrite just isn't doing it for me at all. It might be the blogs I'm writing have nothing to do with the Adbrite ads that display.
It is really difficult to make money online with no money at all. Takes so much time, frustration and it is harder to get out there. When you have money to invest with you have such a better chance of making a lot of money in a quicker period of time, it is that simple.

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Building successful ventures using automation and my mind I create assets that always generate revenue to invest in the world of information and technology together.