Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 1 - Day 7. End Of the First Campaign Week

What a make money online with no money at all success!! Well I accomplished my goal farther than I thought. Today I didn't do anything but enjoyed the sunday with relaxation and socializing with friends. I'm on the interent path to success and I'm loving every bit of it. I don't like the negative remarks made by so many people saying "Oh - Well, You cannot make money with no money at all" Or "It takes money to make money" All false statements and negative thoughts. I told many people if you drop me off in a city with zero dollars in my pocket I will end up with $500-$1,000 in a couple of weeks. I'll do anything to get money and if I have to get a 9-5 job in the city to make it I will.
I ended off with the week $80.42
Adbrite 42 cents
Link worth - $80.00
Google Analytics -
595 Visits

881 Pageviews

1.48 Pages/Visit

79.50% Bounce Rate

00:02:13 Avg. Time on Site

83.70% % New Visits

To Make Things simple I made only 5 cents today with Adbrite .
Adbrite - 43 ad views - 1 click - 5 cents

Google Ananalytics - 9 Unique Visitors

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Building successful ventures using automation and my mind I create assets that always generate revenue to invest in the world of information and technology together.